Monday, April 22, 2013

Continuation of last Blog!


So to finish my thoughts from two weeks ago-

I have since weighed myself and my total weight this morning is 208.8, down from 233 last December. That is a loss of 24.2 pounds! Yippee!!!

I tell you what- ever since I have stuck to the 1500 cals/day plan, except for weekends when I allow myself to splurge a bit, I have seriously been losing weight! Last week alone I lost 3.6 pounds. It feels wonderful to finally break that slump and realize what I was doing wrong, and how to make it right!! For a while I felt like I was doing what I should to have the weight melt off, but I didn't really think about the calorie aspect of it, just the exercise.

Another part to that is I haven't just done cardio like I was doing with Turbo Fire! That is my cardio, but I also switch it up with strength training which I think is where I'm noticing the most results. You MUST do strength training mixed with cardio to lose weight faster and gain that sexy lean muscle tone! It is true muscle weighs more than fat, but muscle BURNS fat faster!!!! So the more muscle mass you have, the faster you will lose- which is why guys have it easier in the weight loss department than women! NO FAIR!

Anywho, let me tell you what I've been doing this last month or so to really crank it into gear...

3-4x a week I have been doing cardio/strength training. Mixing it up of course. For example this week;

Tuesday: Turbo Fire Sculpt 30
Thursday: Turbo Fire either 30 or 45, maybe even 55 ez depending on time!
Saturday: some strength training, whether it be chalean extreme, 30 day shred, or turbo fire sculpt/tone.
Sunday: Cardio

What I will eat those days will vary- but I find it SOOO much easier to eat better on the weekdays when I have a schedule. It is hard on the weekends due to waking up later, having the day off work and running around with my boyfriend, having friends over at night, etc.
Therefore, during the week I will have my ON 100 % whey protein shake in Chocolate Mint flavor YUM!!!! I will mix that with Silk Almond Milk and a tbsp of ground cinnamon and it is DELISH!

I might have that for lunch as well or a salad with lean protein and my Bolthouse Farms Ranch dressing :) For dinner I will have another lean protein, like ground turkey burgers with chili sauce on top, broccoli or corn and cottage cheese and toast. It is very filling and good for me! At least for the most part and not a lot of calories, especially since for bfast and lunch I ate very minimal. Snacks I will have a chocolate bar from Medical Weight Loss that I absolutely adore, even though I don't follow the plan of approved foods they give me I am still losing- I basically just go there for the food :) Another afternoon snack might be an orange, or another protein shake! My protein shakes have 24g of protein per scoop, so having 3 of those a day I am up to 72g without having any other protein!

PROTEIN, PROTEIN, PROTEIN.... How important?!? I never realized it is CRAZY important for weight loss. Again, strength training gives you lean muscle, and PROTEIN protects lean muscle, making the combination dynamite!!! I am aiming for 85g a day of protein, because I read in one of my many diet books that for a 5'5" female that is ideal.

I will stop my banter now, sorry for being all over the place- just writing as I'm thinking, but let me leave you with this;

1. COUNT CALORIES!! Myfitnesspal on your smartphone is a superb place to start, it has become my go to every single day!
2. EAT MORE PROTEIN! If you think you've had enough..EAT MORE! I always thought I got sufficient amount of protein, boy was I wrong- and I have seen way more weight loss since upping my daily dose!
3. EDUCATE YOURSELF! I have become what some people, including my boyfriend, could classify as obsessed with diet and nutrition! But, at least for me, that has kept me going. It keeps it in the front of my mind and the more I learn the more I want to share and the more I am able to incorporate into my own life. Not just eating lean cuisines for bfast, lunch, dinner and doing nothing else like years ago and wondering why the scale won't budge or why I always gain it back- I am honestly seeing the most difference in years... I am inching closer and closer to under 200 and I swear I will cry when that happens. It has been 5 years since I was under 200 and it is approaching.....FAST! So read up, watch youtube videos, learn what works for other people and see what will work for you!

I am not on a crazy fad diet, I am giving my body what it wants/needs to lose weight. Yes, I could add more fruits and veggies because I only eat them once a day as of now, but for now, I am enjoying this ride and even have had 2 people this last week at work comment on how skinny I look :) :) :)

It is hard work- but I am so happy! I wish I had found this little gem of counting calories and protein months ago, who knows where I'd be!!! I have promised myself that once I get to 192 (20 pounds lighter than me at 212) I will buy myself a bike or exercise machine! I want to give myself motivation and reward myself with something to help me continue on this path!

Sorry for the novel :)


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